Voodoo Magic

What is Voodoo Magic: its Origins and its uses!

When African slaves were brought to America, they came with their religion, which is popularly known as Voodoo or Vodou. It is a religion practiced mainly in Louisiana, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Haitian and Dominican Vodou is basically the same, with differences only being in location and language.
The supreme god is called Papa Bon dyé, which means good god. Haitians also call him Gran Met (Great Master). Although he is the creator, he cannot be called upon as he has nothing to do with his creations. Believers pray to the Loas, who are the saints. Loas are divided into 21 nations. Prominent Loas include Papa Legba and Erzulie Freda.

For the ceremony, the Loas adorn clothes and take up their things kept by La Place, La Place being the caretaker. The Bon Dyé is the first to be invoked then the Loas (especially, Papa Legba). The horses are possessed by the Loas making them speak in Creole and French.

The voodoo religion has a magical side to it. Supernatural powers are employed in the daily lives of followers. This is referred to as voodoo magic.

How can Voodoo Magic be used?

Voodoo magic is used to gain power over all aspects of life and these include love, luck, health, employment and revenge. It is also used for necromancy and divination. Ancestors or spirits of the dead are called upon to govern the magical processes. For it to be effective, things like herbs, animal parts, personal possessions or body fluids have to be used whilst reciting the citations. The Psalms are also recited and believed to be very powerful.
Voodoo magic has the ability to cast powerful spells. Spells can be cast by the light of the full moon or desires written down on paper, the latter is then burnt and its ashes cast to the wind. Negative forces which bring bad luck, illnesses, and dangers are repelled. A talisman is used to always protect one from any further attacks or spells. Voodoo dolls are also used to target a particular person.
Each individual has magical powers which can be used to achieve one’s desires. This makes it easy to use voodoo magic. Although potions and charms can be made by anyone, they are more effective when prepared by someone guided by the spirits. Adding body fluids like blood and urine strengthen potions.

How does Voodoo Work for its followers?

The voodoo religion benefits its followers through spiritual uplifting, personal identification and using its spiritual forces in their lives. These forces are the ones that control nature. There are many spirits present in this world and even people have them. A person’s soul is said to have two spirits. One spirit is ever present in the body whilst the other comes and goes and is termed the Ti Bong Ang (little good angel). It leaves the body when one is sleeping or during rituals. Voodoo magic traps souls as they wander outside the body.
When rituals are performed, the Ti Bong Ang comes out. This ensures that it does not remain attached to the earth. Animal sacrifices are offered to the spirits during rituals to please them. The spirits ensure that the believers are blessed with good health and fortune in their lives. There is more focus on the present rather than the afterlife. Rituals are also performed on special occasions like births and marriages as well as for the dead.
At a ritual, chanting and dancing is done to call upon any spirit, which possesses an individual. Spirit possession is a godly gift and the possessed person is greatly revered. Voodoo magic is performed for the main purpose of healing and protecting as well as for retribution and retaliation.

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